Life Skills

Children at Haresfield School have a good grounding in all subjects but we know there is more to an effective education than just this which is why we also prioritise our PSHE/SMSC provision.

All classes follow our own curriculum, based around Gloucestershire’s PinK Curriculum and drawing upon other schemes and programmes such as SEAL. Every Term Mrs Bacon holds a ‘Be Safe Not Sorry’ worship where we look at different aspects of staying safe such as stranger danger, being seen in the dark and sun safety.
Further to this, in Key Stage 2 children complete a ‘Life Skills Passport’ with activities such as first aid and cycling proficiency that are extra to the statutory National Curriculum as well as activities that fall into other curriculum areas, for example cooking a healthy meal and Internet Safety.
It is our aim to ensure that children leave us with the knowledge and skills needed to be successful in their next steps in both education and life.