Remote Learning Information

Microsoft Teams is a central point for parents and children to access their learning tasks and communicate with their class teacher. The activities provided will be organised into clearly labelled folders and it is easy to navigate. It has a chat facility so that pupils and teachers can keep in contact and discuss their learning together.

This next week you will receive an email from myself to enable your child to join Microsoft Teams. If you are accessing it on your phone or tablet, you may find it easier to download the free app first. We recommend that you use ‘teams’ using the app as it is the most convenient and accessible solution.

Each child has a unique user name and password for the site. You will be asked to change your password when you enter the site. Please make a note of this as we will not have a copy of this.

Once you have logged on, you should see a screen that has several tabs at the top – the posts tabs will be where the class teacher can give instructions to all children. The File tab is where the class teacher will post the work for the children.