*Curriculum design for parents powerpoint to be inserted here*
Our Reception class follow the EYFS Curriculum. They begin each term learning through the same topic as KS1 but then branch off following children’s interests. They do however join back in for special events, trips and dress-up days.
In Key Stages 1 and 2, we follow the 2014 National Curriculum for all subjects as well as the Gloucestershire Agreed Syllabus for RE and our own enhanced PSHE/SMSC curriculum (driven by Gloucestershire’s ‘PinK Curriculum’). Through our skills based curriculum, the learning in each subject is grouped into topics linked to a central high quality text - each class studies six topics a year. Additionally for Key Stage 2 our chosen Modern Foreign Language is French.
To ensure every aspect of each subject is fully covered we plan our topics in advance on a rolling programme for each stage (Key stage 1, lower key stage 2 and upper key stage 2). We also keep a record of teaching as it occurs so that any changes due to following the children’s interests or current affairs are kept track of and future planning adapted accordingly.
We are now in the process of developing our own unique ‘Haresfield Curriculum’ to ensure that the children at Haresfield School have a curriculum which is linked to our Vision and values, places us firmly in the centre of our community, our specific cohort needs and makes the most of our wonderful local area.
Our Reception class follow the EYFS Curriculum. They begin each term learning through the same topic as KS1 but then branch off following children’s interests. They do however join back in for special events, trips and dress-up days.
In Key Stages 1 and 2, we follow the 2014 National Curriculum for all subjects as well as the Gloucestershire Agreed Syllabus for RE and our own enhanced PSHE/SMSC curriculum (driven by Gloucestershire’s ‘PinK Curriculum’). Through our skills based curriculum, the learning in each subject is grouped into topics linked to a central high quality text - each class studies six topics a year. Additionally for Key Stage 2 our chosen Modern Foreign Language is French.
To ensure every aspect of each subject is fully covered we plan our topics in advance on a rolling programme for each stage (Key stage 1, lower key stage 2 and upper key stage 2). We also keep a record of teaching as it occurs so that any changes due to following the children’s interests or current affairs are kept track of and future planning adapted accordingly.
We are now in the process of developing our own unique ‘Haresfield Curriculum’ to ensure that the children at Haresfield School have a curriculum which is linked to our Vision and values, places us firmly in the centre of our community, our specific cohort needs and makes the most of our wonderful local area.