Our Vision
At Haresfield we want everyone to know that they are unique, special and worthy in the sight of God and to “Aim High”
To be the very best that they can be. We strive to achieve this through our Christian values rooted curriculum. By working together to learn what God wants for each of us, we offer an ambitious, creative curriculum in which we help each child to flourish and grow. We endeavour to provide the children in our care with a passion for learning and to appreciate the wonder of our world. When they leave our school our aim is to ensure that they have the key skills ready to cope with life at whatever level they are. The school is supported by an effective partnership with parents and our community.
A sk questions
I maginative
M otivation
To be the very best that they can be. We strive to achieve this through our Christian values rooted curriculum. By working together to learn what God wants for each of us, we offer an ambitious, creative curriculum in which we help each child to flourish and grow. We endeavour to provide the children in our care with a passion for learning and to appreciate the wonder of our world. When they leave our school our aim is to ensure that they have the key skills ready to cope with life at whatever level they are. The school is supported by an effective partnership with parents and our community.
A sk questions
I maginative
M otivation
H ave a go
I ndependently
G oals
H elp others
We held a visioning day for the whole school in June. We invited parents and the local community to come along and help us build our vision for our school.